Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Using Twitter

My group and I followed different teachers on twitter. I think it would be a good idea to use twitter to talk to other teachers and give each other ideas. It is a lot harder to give ideas over different than blogs because twitter has a character limit. It is a good idea for short ideas or to talk about what is going on. I think it would also be a good idea to use for kids to learn how to get their point across very precisely and fast.  Thanks for following my blog! Cant wait to write again!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Exploring Blogging about Teaching

I looked at two different blogs. The first blog was http://itsnotallflowersandsausages.blogspot.com/. This blog was just a great way for teachers to vent. Teachers love their jobs but sometimes they need to vent about all the drama and kids. The other blog I looked at was http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=1337. This blog was a teacher sharing her ideas and things she tried out in class. 

I loved both of these blogs. The second blog had videos to help show what she did. The first blog had a great color scheme and was very interesting. Both of them would be helpful while teaching. The second one would help teachers get ideas of new things to do. The first blog would help teachers know that they are not the only ones who struggle or get stressed out. The bloggers had great communication with their audience. The audience commented on each of the posts and talked about how the situations were just like them or how something was a great idea.

I think blogging about teaching is a great idea. It is helpful for teachers to communicate with others. I will use blogging when I teach. I will use it to share new things I try and my thoughts about different things. I want to help other teachers and know their opinions on some subjects.

Have a good week everyone! 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hey there! Thank you for taking your time to read my blog! I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with you. I will do that through my blog. Hope you enjoy them!